The debate of flushable wipes vs. toilet paper is one as old as toilet paper itself. Still, it’s a debate worth looking at because understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each can help you make informed buying decisions.

Both wipes and traditional toilet tissue raise some concerns when it comes to eco-friendliness. However, when it comes to cleanliness they do both have tangible benefits, but whether or not such benefits outweigh the environmental cost remains up in the air.
Now that’s out of the way, so let’s find out which is better: flushable wipes or toilet paper?
Comparing the Benefits
Toilet paper and flushable wipes serve two similar purposes, and both of them have benefits. Starting out with toilet tissue, its purpose is pretty clear cut: to handle the basic post-poo clean-up.
Benefits of Toilet Paper
Designed specifically to make our trips to the bathroom more convenient and to improve hygiene, traditional toilet paper plays a pretty significant role in modern society. Because of its importance, many innovators have developed other perks. Some of which include pleasant scents, ultra-plush, ultra-soft, and even extra long rolls.
Benefits of Flushable Wipes
Although flushable wipes serve a similar purpose, they tend to be a bit more robust since they have to stay moist when packaged and stored. This added strength lends itself to the cleaning power of a flushable wipe. Since they’re less likely to tear in your hand, you’re more likely to have a cleaner, more refreshing bathroom experience.
Similar to toilet tissue, many improvements have been made to the flushable wipe. Today, many are treated with aloe, soothing gels, and some even contain medicated creams to help relieve any irritation or discomfort. At the end of the day, flushable wipes are easily one of the most effective ways of cleaning up after a trip to the restroom.
Where Flushable Wipes & Toilet Tissue Fall Short
Unfortunately, neither traditional toilet paper nor flushable wipes are without fault. In fact, they even share a few of the same flaws.
Cons of Flushable Wipes
For example, flushable wipes are marketed as just that: “flushable.” In reality, though, they’re far from it. The resistance to water keeps these wet wipes in the package but prevents them from breaking down in the sewer pipes. As a result, wipe-induced plumbing and sewage system problems are far too common.

Cons of Traditional Toilet Paper
Similarly, the most popular toilet papers tend to be thick and soft for added comfort. However, this extra thickness makes it rather difficult for them to break apart in the water which means they can also cause clogs with ease.
Both wipes and traditional toilet tissue have devastating effects on the environment. As we’ve explored in-depth here on Reel Talk, traditional toilet paper requires huge amounts of lumber and water to produce. This contributes heavily to deforestation and water scarcity.
The same is true of flushable wipes — the water and lumber needed to produce them is enormous. However, there’s one notable difference. Wipes are resistant to water. This means, when you’re flushing wipes, they don’t break down and may eventually end up in the ocean where they endanger sea life.
Wipes vs. Toilet Tissue: Which Is the Best?
So are flushable wipes better than toilet paper? Or is toilet paper better than flushable wipes? Well, it’s really a trick question because we’re not fans of either. We believe that bamboo toilet paper is better than both of them.
Bamboo toilet paper offers a middle ground of comfort, cleaning power, strength, and eco-friendliness. This soft and strong tree-free option is biodegradable in water, so it won’t cause sewer system clogs. It’s also made of quickly renewable bamboo, so deforestation isn’t a factor. We even offer a bulk toilet paper option that's gentle on the planet and your wallet.
Make the sustainable switch! Try Reel Bamboo Toilet Paper today.